Physical Building Vulnerability towards Potential Eruption of Kelud Volcano

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Yan Rahmanu
Danang Hadmoko
Djaka Marwasta


Kelud Volcano has explosive eruptions by removing rock material, sand and volcanic ash reaching 200 million m3 in 2014 with the scale of the Volcanic Eruption Index (VEI) 4. Puncu Village located in Disaster Prone Areas (DPA) I and II suffered damage up to 2,195 buildings. The purpose of this study is: (1) Identify building characteristics that influence the physical vulnerability of buildings in Puncu Village and (2) Analyze the level of physical vulnerability of buildings in Puncu Village. The study was conducted by interview method, literature study, field identification and conducting vulnerability modeling in ILWIS 3.3 software through Spatial Multi Criteria Evaluation (SMCE). The variables used are the slope of the roof, roofing material, roof truss, building type, age of the building, orientation of the building and the distance of the building from the center of the eruption. The sample of the building used is consisting of 416 buildings with various types of buildings. The results showed that the dominant building characteristics are roof slope 60-350 (61,5%), tile and asbestos roof material (50,2%), wooden roof truss (92,3%), permanent building type (88,5%), building age 0-20 years (46,9%), the orientation of the building is 22.50-67.50 (63%) and the distance from the eruption center is 6-10 km (100%). The level of physical vulnerability of buildings in Puncu Village consists of very low class (0,7%), low (4,6%), medium (40,1%), high (52,6%) and very high (1,9%).

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