Keefektifan Layanan Informasi Berbantuan Media Video Untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Bencana Banjir dan Tanah Longsor

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Ficky Adi Kurniawan
Hardi Prasetiawan


Nglipar Junior High School state 3 appertain as the Disaster Alert School it causes the geolocation of the School near by the Oyo’s river which is one of the bigest river of Gunungkidul which is high potention of debit of water increase in rainy season. From the observation and interview be seen that in nglipar junior high school state 3 need the information uses the media video about catastrophe flood and disasters landslides. In fact there is many students less known about understanding of the floods and landslides, it is causes there is no specific study of disaster subject’s. Disaster subject only parenthesize in main subject like Social studies about Geography, also lack of the media or the tools to spread information about the floods and landslides. The Information service uses videos method become one of the effort to improve knowledge about the floods and landslides of Nglipar Junior High School state 3. The approach use quantitative method, this ressearch appertain as experiment on grade 7th and 8th student of 2016/2017. The method used in this study is a multiple choice test method. If the respondent’s answer is correct then gets a value of 1 and if wrong then gets a value of 0. The results of this study indicate that before being provided treatment in the medium category with an average of 16,66. After the treatment has been improved, the student category is in the high category with an average of

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