Policy Evaluation on Post-Disaster Housing Sector Rehabilitation with CIPP Method Case Study: Pidie Jaya Earthquake

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Jazmi Adlan Bohari
Poetika Puspasari
Wilopo Wilopo
Syamsul Maarif
Catur Susilo Rahardi


Earthquake that occurred in Pidie Jaya District in 2016, the housing sector was the most affected sector. There are still some issues found in policy and mechanism pertaining the post-disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction in Pidie Jaya District, such as the lack of public participation during the planning process, delayed implementation and results that failed to conform with technical requirements. Therefore, this research is conducted to evaluate the implementation of policy and mechanism pertaining the post disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction in Pidie Jaya District. The research is conducted by using mixed method with CIPP (Context, Input, Process, and Product) evaluation model. This research shows that from contextual aspect, Pidie Jaya District has harmonized the principals, targets, and purposes of policy and mechanism pertaining the post disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction based on the current applicable law. From the input aspect, the level of community involvement in the planning stage of the community group pattern (kelompok masyarakat) is quite good, however in contractual pattern the community involvement is seen as lacking. From the process aspect, the community is actively involved in the implementation, both in the community group pattern and the contractual pattern. From the product aspect, both the community group pattern and the contractual pattern are found cases where the housing construction was not in accordance with the predetermined design. In addition, in the community group pattern 96 houses with the category of heavily damaged were not completed on time. Whereas in the contractual pattern, in general the construction of houses has been in accordance with the existing design and planning.

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