Efektivitas Data Spasial Peta Rupa Bumi Indonesia (RBI) dan Openstreetmap Dalam Pengambilan Keputusan Menggunakan Inasafe

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Sri Dewanto Edi Pinudji
Aulia Ismi Savitri
Meysita Noormasari
Danang Wijaya
Adi Kurniawan


There are many disasters that occur in Indonesia and make the country as a laboratory for disaster. Nowadays, there is a shift in the disaster paradigm from disaster management (DM) to disaster risk reduction. The decision makers can learn from the previous disaster events to analyse the casualties, impacts, and losses of the future events. In doing so, these activities should be based on the historical disaster data that legal and thrustworthy, either from the government, private sectors, and NGOs. The legal and thrusworthy data then become a key to the successfulness of the disaster management activity.

The results of InaSAFE can support DM activities to be more efficient and effective. However, the utilization of InaSAFE is depends on the credible, legal, relevant, and ready to use data. The authors used InaSAFE to analyse the exposures of the disaster by using the government data, namely Peta Rupa Bumi Indonesia (RBI) or Maps of the Earth’s Surface and the opensource data from OpenStreetMap (OSM).

Then, the authors were comparing the results analysis from those different data sources and discussing the benefits and drawbacks of each data. OSM data has the benefits in the quantity, updating, and the opportunity for the public to add, update, and involve in the quality control of the data. Meanwhile, Peta RBI has the benefits for it is legal, quality control that following Standard Nasional Indonesia (SNI) or Indonesian National Standard. Regarding the depth of information, OSM’s data provide more depth and various information in the mapping area, whereas Peta RBI’s data has the similar quality and depth of information in the area within the same scale.

In terms of accessibility and the relationship with InaSAFE and DM, OSM’s data can be downloaded from a number of sources and on of them has been integrated with a tool in InaSAFE. On the other hand, Peta RBI’s data only can be downloaded through an official portal from the Geospatial Agency or BIG and need a further steps for preparing the data prior to its utilization in the InaSAFE.

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