Pemberitaan Bencana Alam di Surat Kabar Nasional Indonesia Analisis Isi Berita Gempabumi Lombok 2018

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Dwi Arti Sugiarti
S. Kunto Adi Wibowo
Hadi Suprapto Arifin


Newspaper plays an important role in disseminating information in times of crisis. The way newspaper covers information will determine public perception related to the crisis. There are five-aspects of coverage that can be observed to find out how newspapers organize crisis messages: crisis management stages, primary focus, frame, attribution of responsibility, and topic. This study aims to see the difference in the use of five aspects of the news coverage in each newspaper. The method used was a quantitative content analysis conducted on 433 news articles from five Indonesian national newspapers: Kompas, Republika, Jawapos, The Jakarta Post, and Tempo. The results showed that there were significant differences in the use of human-interest, morality, economic, and attribution of responsibility frame in each stage of crisis management. The focus of the news that there are significant differences are death/injury/missing, displacement, preparation, response, and recovery. Each daily has a significant difference in the use of frames and attribution of responsibility, but not significant in the use of topic.

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