Statistik Pemodelan Bencana Banjir Indonesia Kejadian 2002-2010

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Climate change has nowadays been bringing negative impacts on human survival. The most prominent effect of the climate change is the increased occurrence of disasters throughout the world, such as flood, extreme weather causing unpredictable duration of rainy season, hurricane or storm, and other disasters. Floods that hit many parts of the world lately have caused many casualties and damages and have disrupted economic activities within affected areas. Social activities are paralyzed totally and public facilities have malfunctioned. There have been a number of efforts conducted by many countries around the world in order to reduce air pollution or climate change, such as reforestation.

Indonesia is one of those countries that have the widest forest in the world. As one of the lungs of the earth, Indonesia has a role to contribute. On the other hand, Indonesia faces a challenge of decreasing forest area in the last few years due to illegal logging, land clearing, and mining activities in pursuit of profit. The impact of the environmental damage in Indonesia may be indicated with the intensity of disasters that is increasing every year, such as flood, landslide, hurricane, drought, and fires on residences, forests, and fields.

The intensity of flood in Indonesia has been increasing in recent years. The uncertain climate pattern in Indonesia has become one of the causes triggering floods in all parts of the country. Other causes are the habit of people who throw garbage to river and river siltation. Provinces that frequently experience flood are West Java, East Java, and Central Java.

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