Aplikasi "SSOP BANTAL" Berbasis DAS untuk Penganggulangan Banjir dan Tanah Longsor

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Harry Santoso


Flood and landslide are disasters that happen frequently across Indonesia. Quick and accurate information to a local government to locate prone areas and direct a function of safe areas that is close to affected neighbourhood areas will minimize the impact of any casualties or material losses. Good management of drainage basin (DAS) is one of steps to prevent flood and landslide. In order to overcome the disasters, Ditjen BPDASPS develops an application of “SSOP Bantal” (System of Flood and Landslide Standard Operating Procedure) that is based on analysis unit of drainage basin. Besides for locating prone areas of flood and landslide, the application also provides guidance on a function for other areas around the prone areas, so that it will assist the local government for preparedness to anticipate flood and landslide.

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