Pemodelan Kondisi Bangunan Candi Borobudur Pasca Erupsi Merapi Dengan UAV-Based Fotogrametri

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Ruli Andaru
Catur Aries Rokhmana


Borobudur Temple is one of the areas affected by volcanic ash from Merapi eruption. In some places, the thickness of the ash reached 5cm. Cleanup activities conducted by Borobudur Heritage Conservation Center (BKPB) to ensure the building of the temple clean from volcanic ash. Acidic volcanic ash would have a negative impact on the surface of the temple stones that cause brittleness, scrape the walls of the temple reliefs and statues detail. Ministries of education and culture estimate takes 2 to 3 years for the restoration and revitalization of post-eruption of the temple. For this purpose, BKPB requires monitoring and updating the current state of the surface of the temple regularly and periodically, to monitor surface condition of the temple. One method of monitoring and updating is using a low-cost aerial photography with a vehicle UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle). Mapping with UAV technology has several advantages, including operations easily, fast ini data acquisition, efficient, and produce high resolution aerial photographs.

For the purposes of monitoring Borobudur temple which has a large and high dimensional, required model / type of UAV is appropriate. This study will assess the application of unmanned vehicle (UAV) model Quadcopter for monitoring and updating activities. The developed method is image-based modeling based on photogrammetry. Quadcopter have an advantage capable of flying in all directions, on the air without foundation and move vertically and horizontally. With the ability autonomouse, the plane moves to keep his balance itself so easy to operate and can fly reach out to various corners of the object. UAV capability is the perfect type for purposes of monitoring and updating the Borobudur Temple.

The use of UAV technology with Quadcopter is capable to producing images with a resolution of 10-30cm. For the entire temple area, produced 4-6 images that overlaping each other. The results of the 3D visualization is able to modelling the current state of the rock surface with major advantages that cover the entire area of the temple and provide a high level of detail, especially for the details of the temple top and the corners of the temple so that the surface condition of the stone temples can be easily identification.

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