Penerapan Knowledge Management System Berbasis Web Sebagai Sistem Pendukung Pengambilan Keputusan (DSS) Dalam Pengurangan Risiko Bencana di Indonesia

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Narwawi Pramudhiarta
Adhistya Erna Permanasari
Ari Cahyono


The aims of this study is to implement a web based knowledge management system that able to manage, process, and analyse the disasters historical data in Indonesia into a useful knowledge to BNPB and other parties involved in the decisionmaking for disaster risk reduction and also to provide a web-based media to BNPB and people who need the information and documents related to disaster management. The development of the web based knowledge management system in this study is using historical disaster events in Indonesian that has occurred for a period of 15 years (1997-2012) consist of time, location, type of disaster, number of casualties, damage and loss disaster. In addition to these data the other materials used are the documents related to disaster management ever undertaken by BNPB through activities that existed or from the disaster emergency response. The results showed that the availability of data and information related to disaster management in BNPB can be used as input for the development of a knowledge management system in this study. One result of the utilization of knowledge management system that can be used in support of disaster risk reduction programs are disaster prone area indexes and disaster risk assessments are generated based on historical data of disasters, the vulnerability of the population, and data loss due to disasters in the past. The implementation of this knowledge management system will be more effective if supported by the regulations of BNPB on data standardization and operational procedure on how to use this system, further development of the resulting system is might possible especially in terms of detail data, development of the system for smaller areas such as provincial or district to assist the government in obtaining information for disaster risk level conditions in Indonesia.

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