Tingkat Kerentanan Bencana Banjir Sungai Citarum di Kecamatan Batujaya Kabupaten Karawang

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Tri Widodo


District Batujaya is located by the region at hilir Citarum River, is the area with the threat level high against flood particularly caused by the Citarum River, flood so often in the region in every year. This research purposes to determine index loss, index inhabitant of exposed, and produces maps level vulnerability flood Citarum River in sub-district Batujaya. Methods used in this research is a method of descriptive with the approach of space. This research using a single variable consisting of the population exposed and the Citarum River flood losses Batujaya sub-district. Population in this research are divided into two population of sub-districts Batujaya. Samples used in this research is samples saturates. The data used data is secondary and primary (data from the observation) by using index of engineering analysis of data analysis. The result of this research is an area Batujaya sub-district index loss high about 0,4 – 0,6 susceptibility to levels flood of the citarum river flood and more than 67 % of the value of assets held the region will suffer losses. Index class population exposed nine to ten villages in high-class and one belong to the class being. Vulnerability map flood citarum river in a high grade is settlements on administrative regions that have value and high population exposed in the region with a height of less than two meters above sea level.

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