Penentuan Area Terdampak "Ketinggian Maksimum Tsunami" di Pulau Bali Berdasarkan Potensi Gempabumi Pembangkit Tsunami Pada Segmen Megathrust Sumba

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Telly Kurniawan
Arifah Fairuz Laili


The earthquake in the segment of sumba megathrust on august 19, 1977 generated a tsunami that hit most of the southern coast of the nusa tenggara which includes the bali island, lombok, sumbawa and sumba. Based on data from pusat studi gempa nasional (pusgen) 2017, this segmen stil potential produced earthquake magnitude 8.5 SR. From information above, study of the tsunami impact from potential earthquakes in this segment is important to be done. One of the islands that potential affected by the tsunami from earthquake in this segment is the bali island, which is a object of famous tourism both domestic and foreign. The main parameter that must be known in the propagation of tsunami waves is the height of the tsunami when it reaches the coastline called maximum tsunami height (MTH). The purpose of this study was to determine the MTH value from the results of the earthquake scenario that caused the tsunami. The research method that be used a quantitative method of tsunami wave propagation based on shallow water theory that be applied to Geographic Information Systems. The results of the tsunami simulation using earthquake magnitude 8.5 SR and source depth 10 km in the Segmen of Sumba Megathrust indicate that the highest MTH location is located on the coastline of Nusapenida Village, District/ City of Klungkung with MTH values 5,174-7,389 m.

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