Analisis Jalur Pengaruh Gini Ratio, IPM, dan Jumlah Sekolah Terhadap Kapasitas Daerah dalam Menghadapi Bencana

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Dwi Ari Suryawan S
Andrielza Novedio
Galuh Sri Natungga DSP
Maghfira Ramadhani


According to UU No. 24 of 2007 about Disaster Management, Disaster is an event or series of events that threatens and disrupts people’s lives and livelihoods which are caused, either by natural factors and / or non-natural factors as well as human factors, resulting in human casualties, environmental damage, property loss, and psychological impacts. Indonesia realizes that disaster problems must be handled seriously considering the intensity of the occurrence of disasters continues to increase every year because of geological factors Indonesia is located in a disaster-prone area. An important indicator for seeing regional capacities in disaster management is by looking at the condition of the community itself, considering that the first victims of a disaster are the people. With the condition of Indonesia which is prone to the threat of disasters, a more in-depth study of what affects the regional capacity to implement disaster management is needed. This study uses path analysis to test the alignment of the correlation matrix with two or more causal models being compared. From the four variables tested, namely the number of schools, the Gini ratio, the Human Development Index, and the gender ratio, there are two variables that have a significant effect, namely the HDI and the number of schools, as well as the magnitude of the indirect effect of the Gini ratio on regional capacity.

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