Desain Meja Belajar Portabel Bagi Siswa Sekolah Dasar di Fasilitas Pengungsian Bencana Studi Kasus Gempa Bumi Lombok 2018

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Kukuh Rizki Satriaji
Dwi Hatmojo Danurdoro
Kharista Astrini Sakya
Eljihadi Alfin


Natural disasters are natural phenomena that cannot be predicted when they occur. An area affected by a natural disasterwill need support and assistance from various fields, including economic, social, and education. Taking the case of the big earthquake that occurred on Lombok Island in 2018, the education sector is one of the areas that has not been optimally facilitated. The government and non-governmental organizations have tried to help optimally according to their respective capabilities and fields. Several emergency schools were established around the evacuation facilities to facilitate teaching and learning activities, but with minimal supporting facilities. The temporary school building frame poles made of bam- boo/wood and tarpaulin are used as classrooms, while students continue to study on the tarpaulin floor. This research was conducted to help overcome these problems through the design of a study table for emergencies. The methods used include direct observation and interviews with students and teachers who are victims of natural disasters, to understand their conditions and needs. The results of this study are 3 alternative designs of study desks that can be used by elementary school students in natural disaster refugee facilities by considering the safety criteria, experience, system usage, and student personal preferences.

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