Analisis Potensi Bencana Abrasi dan Tsunami di Pesisir Cilacap

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Endang Hilmi
Eko Hendarto
Asrul Sahri


Disaster as an event that can threaten and disrupt people’s lives can occur also in coastal areas, including Cilacap coastal. Cilacap Regency as the coastal Regency were affected by any stretch of the North Serayu and South Serayu. Both are separated by a stretch of Serayu Depression. The stretch is also traversed by Eurasian plate that collided with the Indo Australian plate. Cilacap Regency are an Estuary from several large rivers. This condition causes the Cilacap Regency at risk of various kinds of disasters.

This scientific paper aims to build disaster vulnerability maps that could potentially occur in Cilacap. The research was built using the method of mapping the vulnerability of coastal erosion, tsunami and mapping the vulnerability of disaster risk
reduction methods.

Potential abrasion occurred in the District of South Cilacap, North Cilacap, Adipala, Binangun and Nusawungu, while the potential tsunami occurred in the District of Kesugihan, Adipala, Maos, Kroya, Binangun, Nusawungu, South Cilacap, Cilacap Cilacap North and Central. To reduce the risk of disaster, the Government make the evacuation routes, build a 66-396 meter wide greenbelt and build a seawall and revertment waterbreak.

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