Peran Media Komunikasi Dalam Tanggap Bencana Banjir Lahar Dingin di Sungai Code Kota Yogyakarta

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Wuri Rahmawati


The research objectives were to describe the stakeholders role in mud flood disaster response and to discover communication media role in mud flood disaster response, This research is exploratory research design, with an analytic inductive method and qualitative approaches. Total informant are 53 people, they are from government, society leaders, societies and voluntaries unsure, they are choosen with purposive method. The result of this research are implementation of mud flood disaster response need a disaster management and participation of government, society leaders, societies and voluntaries. Government roles are regulator, facilitator and implementator, but that roles are not optimal, especially role of regulator. Society leaders, societies and voluntaries roles are facilitator and implementator. The roles of conventional mass media are to inform, to educate and to persuade but the roles are not optimal especially role of banner and leaflet. The roles of interpersonal media are to inform, to educate and to persuade, the roles are optimal especially role to persuade. The roles of hybrid media are to inform and to persuade, the roles are optimal especially role to inform. Communication media with transmission system or streght signal is needed at potential mud flood condition, because it can reach large societies in short time, together and get fast feedback.

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